To RESCUE and save abandoned, stray, neglected or relinquished Wire Fox Terriers from shelters, animal controls, puppy mills and breeders and to assist dogs who, because of extenuating circumstances, are unable to remain in their homes with their owners.
To provide any and all medical attention as required to assure that each dog is in good health prior to adoption and to micro chip each Wire Fox Terrier.
To provide sanctuary in a foster home where each receives a tremendous amount of love and care and treated as a member of the family.
To REHABILITATE and evaluate each foster dog for temperament and personality to ascertain the best suited home based on their needs, their prospective owner’s situation and lifestyle.
To thoroughly screen adoption applicants before making placement decisions by requiring a completed Application, a Home Visit and Vet Reference Check and to interview and personally speak with each applicant to get to know them and their preferences which increases the end result of a successful permanent placement.
To REHOME each foster dog by adopting them into their new suitable, permanent and loving Forever Homes.
To increase public awareness of the overpopulation of homeless animals and to stress the importance of choosing to adopt and to provide information and links on where and how to become involved to eliminate the killing of adoptable animals.
To exercise fiscal responsibility in handling our adoption fees, donations and other fundraising receipts to provide the maximum care for our rescued dogs and to ensure our financial viability into the future.
WFTRM requires an Appliction to be submitted as the first requirement. Please visit our Website for the Application, our Process, Requirements and Breed Trails.