Are you right for Wispa?
Wispa needs a home free of other pets and children. She is house trained but any time she spends alone will need to be built up gradually. She will also need regular grooming as this has been neglected in the past leading to matting.
Is Wispa right for you?
Wispa is looking for a special family. She's a sensitive Collie but with a high drive and shows lots of breed traits. Wispa is sensitive to traffic and most noises and has shown herding behaviours in the home. She has made fantastic progress since coming back to us and now has a good solid bond with her handlers. She is very nervous of new people and will need to be met at the centre multiple times before going home with her new family, so she can build a bond. From a dog her handlers could barely touch to a happier one that wants to go for walks and can enjoy the company of other dogs, Wispa has come on in leaps and bounds. Once her new family are ready to take her home, they will get full support from our training and behaviour team for as long as is needed. Wispa now walks with other dogs but she can still be reactive to some, something her new family will need to keep in mind. She's learnt to enjoy a game of fetch and loves soft toys with squeakers in them.