Worthy Tails Animal Rescue
Worthy Tails Animal Rescue
Part of the application review is matching up your needs and expectations with that of the puppy, dog, cat or kitten in which you are interested. Our foster parents play a large role in this part as they know the animal the best and can give critical input as to whether your expectations match the characteristics and traits of the foster puppy, dog, cat or kitten. Reviewing applications for the foster pet with young children, other animals, and/or special needs can possibly take a little longer.
If, by some chance, your first choice has found a forever home by the time you submit your application, we will review the application for your 2nd choice. If no 2nd choice is provided, we would like to recommend that you look at our website to see if there are any other puppy, dog, cat or kitten that you could welcome into your home, or we can also suggest one or a few that have the characteristics expressed on your application. We take special care to get to know all our puppy, dog, cat or kitten very well and can provide you with a suitable match.