Think you and Yoda might be a match, but you want to do a trial run at home first?
You can foster Yoda-meaning you'll take them home for one week with the intention of adopting them at the end of their stay.
If things don't work out, you can always bring them back to us.
If you're interested, come see us or contact us at to learn more.
May the force be strong within you to resist the charm of our Yoda.
Yoda is a clever and wise beyond his years type that is looking for a home that he can grow with while respecting his limits.
Not all dogs want to explore the whole galaxy once they find their safe harbor and that is how Yoda may like it.
Yoda is hoping to be the only dog in your home and is working at learning that other dogs can walk by without him having to say something.
During his time in our shelter, we have been successful teaching (and learning from!) Yoda what his comfort level is and working to expand it each day through slow interactions filled with lots of treats and love.
Having a safe space is important for any dog and especially so for Yoda, having an area just for him when you have company over so that he doesn't have to meet everyone and can choose to share his wisdom with only you! Are you ready young Padawan for an adventure through the galaxies?
Come on in to meet Yoda today!