Current Medication:
Insulin 2x day, Rx dog food Level of Training:
All the basics Special Needs Info:
I am diabetic and will need insulin shots twice a day as well as prescription dog food.
My favorite place to sleep:
On the bed or soft or in my nest of blankets My favorite activity is:
I love to sleep and go for walks.
My favorite snack is:
Raw veggies, I cannot have regular dog treats I get along with / like:
Big Dogs, Little Dogs, Car Rides I do not get along with / like:
We're not sure about cats I'm scared of:
Nothing My foster parent(s) describe me as:
I am a very easy to care for dog.
I am sweet and like to give kisses.
I like my belly rubbed and I have a ticklish spot on my hip area.
I know how to use a doggie door.
I will jump up on the sofa or bed because it's the softest place in the house after all!! My best day would be to:
Go for a walk, have some raw veggie snacks, sleep some and then sit by my human.
I would also love to go for a car ride around town.
I will sit at the window and watch the scenery.
Other tidbits about me:
Make sure there's a lid on your dirty laundry hamper!! I just can't help myself, I will chew on undergarments and socks! If you would like to meet sweet Yoshi, please visit and fill out an application.