Meet Zaher
Zaher is a wonderful greyhound rescued from track life with his friend Majid. Zaher is sweet and friendly with other dogs and people. He is neutered, healthy and up to date on his shots.
The ideal home for Zaher is one with another dog, fenced in yard, two or three outings a week to run full tilt, and an experienced sighthound family. If you don't currently have another dog then you would need to also adopt Majid. They are the yin and yang of sighthounds and there is truly no greater sight then watching them run and then hanging out on the sofa in the evenings. Both love to lean against you for pets and snuggles. They are both big sucks and are the soulful companions that will melt your heart. They will chase cats and other small animals and are large run fast. So a feline free home with any children being over age 8 is a must.