Meet Zoé
Zoé (DOB: 08/04:2020) was emaciated (arrived at under 80 pounds) and had large callous masses on various "boney" parts of her body, like her hip bones, from lying on hard surfaces long-term without any "body fat" protection.
She was starving on arrival and desperate for food. She was in such a sad state.
With regular feedings of high quality food and supplements she rapidly got her weight on and is currently sitting just over 100 pounds and this is a perfect weight and body condition for her. As each week passes, she gets less and less food desperate and her food seeking continues to diminish.
We had the masses removed just to be certain and they all came back consistent with calluses. No infectious, immune-mediated, or neoplastic processes were identified. Reports will be made available for applicants.
We ran Zoé's fecal and everything also came back clear.